lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

In my opinion...

I think that now a day is almost  impossible  to acquire an exotic pet  in a legal situation because in the authorized pet shops is very expensive and the most of the people prefer acquire an exotic animal to come from an illegal transaction without carrying the bad situation of this animal.

I’m a woman and I think don’t have any problem whit a woman in the military because we can do any things a normal person can do it.

The problem isn`t whit the Chilean politician, is whit the politicians in general, but I thin we don´t criticize without information an any way the problems whit the politicians have solutions.

The violence in the television to increase because that is what sells most, the people is morbidly and spend your time watching  tv as a moth in a bulb.

I´m in disagree whit  killing stray dogs   because always is best the sterilization and this problem its  fault that irresponsible person.

Climate change happen quickly because the human race finish the natural recourse, but we still have a time.

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

Why do I want to be a vet?

When I was a child I was dream of being many things, but the first thing that I wanted to be a crazy scientist xD, maybe I saw much television.
 I used to mix my mother's perfume and she would get very angry, but the worst was when I played with poisons for my mother's garden, then not only anger also was scared because it was so dangerous.
 When finished school I was not sure what career followed but all my options were scientific careers.

I decided to study veterinary medicine mainly because I love biology and everything associated with it.

Until now I have not had many problems in university, is a heavier rhythms and university is far but I had fun and learned a lot

I don¨t have very clear what kind of job I want to have but I think I have a lot of time to decide.